Dr Peter McCullough : "The authors of the French Jabagi study made fundamental mistakes"

Publié le 24 avril 2023 - 18:02
Dr Peter McCullough is one of the most quoted scientists about the Covid health crisis.

DEBRIEFING - American cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough is one of the most quoted scientists about the Covid health crisis. In this new "France-Soir debriefing video", he discusses various science news, both in the US and in Europe.   

The french study by Jabagi et al, "Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, and Pulmonary Embolism after Bivalent Booster" (whose results suggest that the use of the bivalent vaccine should be continued), knocked him off his chair. McCullough wrote a vehement criticism on his personal blog:   

"Hundreds of French citizens are suffering from cardiac events after bivalent [vaccine] boosters."   


The AIMSIB (International Association for Independent and Benevolent Scientific Medicine) also commented on this analysis in a critical article, concluding that "the data is indeed available".  

It should be remembered that Dr Toubiana has been asking for more than a year for the data on all-cause mortality in order to be able to make an analysis that would close the debate on the effectiveness of vaccines once and for all. He was told that "the data was not available"... 

Finally, Dr McCullough reports on the latest developments of legal actions against makers of genetically engineered vaccines and announces the creation of his independent media channel.

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