"Beware ! The cure may be worse than the disease", Christian Vélot

Publié le 07 septembre 2021 - 11:47
Christian Vélot
F. Froger / D6
Christian Vélot
F. Froger / D6

Professor Vélot teaches molecular genetics at Paris-Sud University, and is the Scientific Director of the CRIIGEN (Comité de recherche de l’information indépendante du génie génétique, Research Committee on Independent information on genetic engineering).

[English subtitiles available]

In this interview with Xavier Azalbert, he discusses the nature of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, which he considers dangerous owing to the unknowns surrounding it, and to the great diversity of symptoms it unleashes. Why have the authorites chosen to rely upon such novel vaccine-technologies, technologies for which we lack all hindsight, to fight a virus which itself is attended by so much uncertainty ? This will almost certainly prove to ahve been a strategic error. Professor Vélot is also concerned by the fact that early treatments, such as the hydroxychloroquine protocol administered at Marseilles by France’s leading virologist, Professor Didier Raoult, have been derided in favour of untested or even toxic molecules such as Remdesivir which also happens to be mutageneous. 

Professor Vélot explains in detail the three vaccine-categories currently being marketed in the West : inactivated virus-, recombinant protein- and genetic vaccines. The haste with which the public health agencies have issued Emergency Use Authorisations for the Pfizer-Moderna/J& J and AstraZeneca vaccines is, he says, both unprecedented and extraordinarily imprudent. Stretching over years and sometimes decades, phase 3 vaccine trials normally include, inter alia, studies on immunotoxicity, genotoxicity and interactions with the human genome. Here, those studies, along with many other essential data-sets, are entirely lacking.

The virus, he explains, does not mutate so much as recombine with viruses from other families, a peculiarity which raises vexed matters such as immune escape, vaccine efficacy and the risk/benefit ratio.  

Finally, Professor Vélot finds the « group think » amongst decision-making bodies deplorable to say the least, and the very antithesis of scientific method. En passant, he points to publicly-stated, glaring errors made by Dr. Alain Fischer, the French Government’s « Mr Vaccine ».

Besides his patent skills as a pedagogue and polemicist, Professor Vélot is a master in his field, a clear-thinker who brings us back to the basics of scientific enquiry.


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