«Trust in Public Health is at the lowest I've ever seen», Jay Bhattacharya, professor of Medicine and Economics

Publié le 20 mars 2023 - 17:52
Jay Bhattacharya
Stanford University / Rod Searcey
Jay Bhattacharya holds a PhD in economics and is a professor of medicine and economics at Stanford University, California.
Stanford University / Rod Searcey

Jay Bhattacharya holds a PhD in economics and is a professor of medicine and economics at Stanford University, California. His research focuses on the economics of global health care. He is of Indian origin and has a particular interest in vulnerable populations.

An early opponent of the coercive measures against Covid-19, he offers a critical retrospective of three years of health policy in the United States and around the world.

While relaying a joint statement drafted with two other Oxford and Harvard scientists, he was censored by Twitter in 2021, after his first tweet. In this text, he advocated for targeted protection of vulnerable people and for the development of herd immunity in the general population.

In this new Debriefing, Jay Bhattacharya points out a total absence of cost-benefit analysis before confinements were established, the delibarated politics of fear by governments, the censorship of scientific debate. All of which now accounts for a major loss of public confidence in health policies.

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