Hunter Biden's laptop, truths and controversies with report author Garrett Ziegler

Publié le 02 février 2025 - 09:00
France-Soir, DR
Hunter Biden's laptop, truths and controversies with report author Garrett Ziegler
France-Soir, DR

As part of our debriefings with personalities who make the news, we had the opportunity to meet, Garrett Ziegler in Washington DC, a central figure in the investigation around Hunter Biden's laptop. This debriefing with Garrett Ziegler offers a unique perspective on one of the most debated and controversial political cases of recent years

The importance of this case has been heightened by President Trump’s executive order targeting the 51 intelligence officials who spread false information on the laptop. Trump had warned that he would revoke access to former intelligence officials who signed a letter in 2020 claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop case bore the hallmarks of a “Russian information operation.” The case raises critical questions about transparency, accountability, and integrity in the U.S. government, while illustrating the challenges facing those seeking to expose the truth. What was once taboo and pigeonholed truth seekers as conspiracy theorists has simply been elevated to a different level.

A tense context

France-Soir was in Washington, DC to cover the inauguration of Donald Trump, the 47th President of the United States. It was during the events surrounding the inauguration that we met Garrett Ziegler, one of the co-authors of Marco Polo's investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop. At the heart of the discussion is the controversy surrounding Joe Biden's pardons, including that of Anthony Fauci and his own family, a decision that has raised many questions.

Interview in English, subtitled in French.


The birth of the Marco Polo project

Garrett Ziegler, founder of the Marco Polo Foundation, explains his journey that led him to create this organization after leaving the White House. Marco Polo's main goal is to make public the results of extensive research into the contents of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop. The latter contained, according to Ziegler, evidence of business, sex and drug-related crimes, involving influential figures and foreign entities.

A meticulous investigation

Garrett Ziegler describes in detail the investigative process conducted by his team, which lasted nearly 18 months. Thanks to the hiring of private investigators and access to specialized databases, they were able to corroborate the information contained in the laptop with a wealth of available data. This meticulous work has resulted in the publication of a report of more than 600 pages, freely available online, which purports to reveal corruption at high levels of power.

Accusations of censorship

A particularly interesting aspect of the interview is the discussion around the censorship attempts that Garrett Ziegler and his team faced. According to him, several publishers have refused to publish their books for fear of legal reprisals from Hunter Biden's team. He also points to the role of the major social media platforms, which he accuses of censoring discussions about this case, comparing this situation to media coverage of the origin of the COVID-19 virus.

Interview in VOST:


Moral and legal implications

The interview also discusses the moral and legal implications of Hunter Biden's activities. Garrett Ziegler argues that financial transactions and interactions with foreign entities are violations of U.S. money laundering and undeclared foreign lobbying (FARA) laws. He also discusses Hunter Biden's ties to some companies involved in biolabs in Ukraine, highlighting the importance of these revelations in the current geopolitical context.

An uncertain future

Finally, Garrett Ziegler shares his vision for the future of this case. He expresses his hope that the truth will be revealed, although justice, according to him, is still to be achieved. He envisions a reorganization of federal institutions, including the FBI, to restore public confidence in the justice system.

On both sides of the Atlantic, cases of controversial personalities are emerging. They mainly concern people in power or close to power.  In France, as in the United States, whistleblowers who uncover these cases must firstly suffer the defenses put in place with the help of the often subsidized media.  As part of the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop, the majority of the methods of disarming rumors were used against Garrett Ziegler and Marco Polo. However, the serious work, accompanied by the necessary validations, gives rise to this essential report that factually demonstrates the illicit and contrary to the interests of the Nation of Hunter Biden's actions. They also extend to other members of his family to reach his father, Joe Biden, former President of the United States. It now seems accepted that this case was far from being fake news; however, the traditional media are still not grasped the consequences of this case, probably because it affects the government. Demonstration of the obsolescence of the media and their bias.

In France, the Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron affairs, on the effective age of their meeting, the real identity of Brigitte Macron are currently the subject of a series of episodes by the journalist Candace Owens. Between controversies, explosive revelations, legal proceedings, the facts put forward raise more questions than answers. Especially since the Macron couple sent a lawyer's letter to the journalist asking her not to talk about it. This letter did not provide any answers to the questions, except for a few arguments of authority, and was more akin to an act of pressure on the journalist. So why didn't the Macrons send the same letter to the journalist Xavier Poussard who did the background work on these cases himself? The fact remains that the traditional media are still not talking about this affair which could turn out to be, like that of Hunter Biden's laptop, a real affair in the state. Here lies, accusatory inversions, and other actions of spin doctors who are active to reduce tension and pressure are intertwined. 

And, it turns out that these cases make it possible to demonstrate the propagandistic bias of the traditional media in favor of the government that subsidizes them on the one hand. Also, and above all, to highlight the professional work of citizen journalists and alternative media. Like science, information belongs to everyone. To be continued. 


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