"Ukraine on fire" ? Igor Lopatonok
Igor Lopatonok, a Ukrainian native and naturalized American citizen, is a director, scientist, and one of the pioneers who restored the great cinematographic works of the Soviet Union.
Despite an excellent start, his documentary "Ukraine on fire", which was released in 2017, has been the victim of censorship on some platforms, including Google-owned YouTube. For this documentary, he worked, among others, with Oliver Stone, a famous American director with whom he interviewed Russian president Vladimir Putin. At the time, this interview led to much discussion in the United States, but also in France.
In this documentary, Igor Lopatonok provides us with a different perspective on Ukraine and the historical evolution of his country. He also gives us his opinion on how Americans have, in his opinion, interfered in the politics of Ukraine, particularly since the events that occurred in Maidan Nezalezhnosti. Lopatonok also explains how war information is manufactured.
French version : "L'Ukraine en feu" ? Igor Lopatonok
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