The ivermectine scandal, debriefing with Tess Lawrie

Publié le 27 mars 2021 - 23:30
Tess Lawrie Debriefing 2
The ivermectine scandal, debriefing with Tess Lawrie

In her second Debriefing interview, Dr Tess Lawrie returns to reveal the behind-the-scenes battle taking place to bring forward honest and objective evidence-based conclusions on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

Dr Tess Lawrie is an evidence-based medicine specialist based in Bath, UK. She advises national, international and supranational organisations on clinical evidence and counts the World Health Organization amongst her blue chip clients. She is the responsible author of  a peer-reviewed rapid review and meta-analysis of the use of ivermectin in COVID-19, which challenges the WHO’s “wait and see” attitude to the use of the drug, a position adopted without critical analysis by national regulators across the world.  In January 2021, she founded, with professional colleagues, the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) group, which has made a strong recommendation for the immediate rollout of the drug in all stages of COVID-19.

In this Debriefing interview, offered in partnership with the French civic group BonSens, Dr Lawie shares her insights and experiences of the obstacles that have been put in place to prevent an honest evaluation of the clinical evidence in relation to the use of ivermectin in COVID-19. With great courage and emotion, Dr Lawrie publicly challenges the distorted conclusions of Dr Andrew Hill's preliminary meta-analysis of the clinical studies of the use of ivermectin in COVID-19.

This will surely become one of the fundamental public health scandals of this pandemic and perhaps of all time:

English video with subtitle in french car of

French version, realised by Jeanne traductions.

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