"The countries of Europe should not rely on the United States, but negotiate with Putin themselves" General Vallely
In the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, we interviewed US General Paul E. Vallely, an expert military strategy analyst and former Deputy General Commander of the Pacific Army who served in Germany at the height of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
During this interview, General Vallely addresses the West's internal challenges and the need to “get back to our roots”. In the footsteps of President Thomas Jefferso, who believed that "our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost", he emphasized the defense of freedom of speech against cancel culture, which is getting tougher and tougher.
The former Fox News military analyst for eight years also addresses the Covid crisis, the Great Reset, the impact of vaccination on the American army, and the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party's influence.
A long section is devoted to the conflict in Ukraine during which General Vallely shares his analysis on its causes and its possible solutions.
One main point emerges : it is time for European countries to emancipate themselves from the United States in order to guarantee their security, and to start engaging negotiations by themselves with the President of Russia.
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