"Blowing the lid on this Covid stuff is going to open a lot of eyes" Derek Sloan

Publié le 03 novembre 2021 - 10:51
Derek Sloan
Capture d'écran
Derek Sloan
Capture d'écran

Canadian ex-MP Derek Sloan was expelled from the Conservative Party in January 2021, allegedly owing to his "disrespectful" attitude, more likely for having sharply criticised lockdown, masking and a full array of the Government's anti-Covid measures – along with the Party for having supported them. Furthermore, Mr. Sloan has been notably critical of Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, who, he says, has manifest conflicts of interest: she sits on the WHO's International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on Covid-19, meanwhile holding a position of great power in Canada; he has also stated that she has most likely been under undue influence from China.

On March 22nd, Mr. Sloan presented a petition to the House of Commons which reads, in part:

We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:

1- Preserve and protect our ethical, legal, and moral right to informed consent;

2- Legally ensure Covid-19 vaccines are voluntary. This choice must be without disadvantage or prejudice;

3- Require that vaccine safety studies comply with standards equal to or exceeding other pharmaceutical products;

4- Create an independent committee with a broad range of stakeholder representatives, including citizen vaccine safety advocates;

5- Ensure no committee member has intellectual or financial conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical or medical industry;

6- Grant this committee the power to independently review applications for approval of all vaccines, including COVID-19; and

7- Develop a vaccine injury compensation program whereby vaccine manufacturers are responsible for paying all costs related to the compensation for those injured or killed by their vaccines.

On 17th June 2021, Mr. Sloan set up a press conference on Parliament Hill with three Canadian specialists -  Dr. Patrick Phillips, Professor Dr. Donald Welsh and and Professor Bryam Bridle, on the impact of the Government's measures and above all, on vaccine injuries. The presentations created a public sensation and garnered over a million views in less than week. "The conference was filmed and issued on the Canadian Parliament's Youtube Channel" he told FranceSoir – only to be erased from YouTube shortly thereafter with no protest from Canada's authorities. It is, however, still visible on the Parliamentary website.

Following his expulsion from the Conservative Party, and having refused to back down or alter his views, Mr. Sloan continued as an Independent MP for some months, before founding, on July 25th 2021, a new political party, True North (the Canadian national anthem's words are “The True North, Strong and Free”).

Although in the September 2021 elections, Derek Sloan lost his Parliamentary seat for the Province of Alberta, he continues through True North to vigorously mobilise against vaccine mandates and passports. In particular, he has been demonstrating alongside Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada, and looks forward in the short-to-medium term, to some type of joint effort with the PPC.


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