"The dominant narrative accusing Russia of representing absolute evil does not correspond to reality", Igor Lopatonok
DEBRIEFING - Igor Lopatonok is the executive producer of the films "Ukraine on Fire" and "Revealing Ukraine" co-directed with renowned producer Oliver Stone. In a previous Debriefing, we addressed the scripting and the use of special effects in Ukraine to contribute to information and disinformation.
In this interview conducted the day after the first anniversary of start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, he looks back at the origins of this conflict in 2014 in the Maidan. He points to the growing anti-war movements in the United States, demanding accountability for billions of dollars sent to Ukraine and calling for an end to funding for the war.
Igor Lopatonok also evokes the relentlessness of the Fact-checkers on his historical documentaries, for which nothing has ever been found to complain about. It highlights the difficulties encountered in financing films whose content goes against official discourse. Finally, he analyses Vladimir Putin's recent speech before the Duma, which he interprets as a response to Joe Biden's visit to Ukraine and Poland.
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