Dr Cadegiani has faced physical threats over his research into early treatments

Publié le 10 mars 2023 - 14:35
Flavio Cadegiani MD PhD
F. Froger / Z9, pour FranceSoir
Dr Cadegiani has faced physical threats over his research into early treatments
F. Froger / Z9, pour FranceSoir

INTERVIEW - Flavio Cadegiani, MD, PhD is a Brazilian endocrinologist. Author of numerous studies on the performance of ivermectin, he has also analyzed the media treatment of this drug.

In a previous Debriefing, on January 24, 2022, he said:  "Before the publication of the study, I was very reserved about the effectiveness of Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19". Dr. Cadegiani refers to the study  Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19: A Citywide, Prospective, Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching,  of which he was one of the authors.

He came back in another debriefing to the describe the exceptional performance of the molecule, which presents a 94.6% reduction in Covid mortality according to its results. Since then, these results have been confirmed and Dr. Cadegiani has been the subject of numerous attacks from his detractors.

During his visit to Paris, in an exclusive interview for France-Soir, he discloses how he was subject to threats and incredible attempts at intimidation. He also evokes early treatments and presents his various ongoing actions. 

"Not all countries have the same health policy". Some researchers and professors have had the courage to pursue scientific work independently on molecules that can be immediately mobilized in the treatment of Covid-19, inexpensive and free of any patents.


Dr Cadegiani : l'ivermectine présente une performance exceptionnelle (94,6% de réduction de la mortalité Covid)
Le docteur Flavio Cadegiani, endocrinologue brésilien, revient dans un debriefing exclusif sur les performances de l’ivermectine et son traitement médiatique. « Avant...
23 mai 2022 - 16:25

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